Once Upon A Time, several distant travelers came upon a small seaside town. Unbeknownst to them, the village was ruled by an evil alchemist who lived isolated in his small fortress called Dragon Tower. The alchemist accused the hapless travelers of being foreign spies and sentenced them to death. Can our brave travelers escape from Dragon Tower before the clock strikes 6:00 and the dragons return for their annual sacrifice?
Large Group? Let’s make it happen.
You can reach us directly at (808) 210-6999.
Or leave a message below and we will get
back to you as soon as possible!
Schofield Bowling Center, 557 Burr Place
Schofield Barracks, Hawaii 96857
(808) 210-6999
Hours of Operation
Sun | 10:30AM-7PM
Mon | Closed
Tues | 3PM-10PM
Wed | Closed
Thurs | 3PM-10PM
Fri | 3PM-10PM
Sat | 3PM-10PM
*Note: We are operating on a limited schedule. To best ensure availability, call or book in advance.